Like beer, coffee keeps the drinker in a state of greater concentration and mental clarity. This was very beneficial in the world of work helping workers to be more alert and thus also able to properly operate all the new equipment that came as a result of the technological advance that took place during the Industrial Revolution.
It also lent itself to being the drink of the intellectual of that time. It was very common for many people to gather in a cafeteria to elucidate and discuss some topic of interest. Since coffee provides high lucidity and concentration, it has helped great minds to develop and debate their ideas until today.
Many people see coffee as a simple drink that is used to get us up in the morning to go to work, but in reality it is much more than that, it is undeniable that coffee has affected our history as a species in a great way, serving not only as a energizing, but it is a very common drink for social exchanges and one that lends itself to enjoyment, as well as to human well-being.